The firm, which opened its second restaurant in south Delhi's Hauz Khas Village hopes to set up new stores by company-owned and franchise mode. This store is stretched in the area of 3200 sq. ft and has raw and rustic interiors.
Delhi-NCR, Kochi, Chennai, Mumbai, Jaipur, Pune, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Goa and Kolkata are among the other locations where the brand is planning to open its stores in future. The brand also intends to invest USD 5 million by fiscal 2017. With an eye on opening about 25-30 outlets in India, it is targeting Rs 200 crore turnover in four years time.
With a single operation founded in Pretoria, South Africa in 1993, Barcelos has grown exponentially which led it to start franchising in 1998. It has been expanded its presence in 17 countries with 120 outlets.The company currently employs in excess of 2000 staff and instills ongoing high standards and expectations from all staff at head office and stores alike.